Is Earth Really All Water?


I stumbled across an amazing article at about water. The article asks the question:

If you were to take all of the water on Earth — all of the fresh water, sea  water, ground water, water vapor and water inside our bodies — take all of it  and somehow collect it into a single, giant sphere of liquid, how big do you  think it would be?

The answer:

Not that big. According to the U. S. Geological Survey,  you’d have a blue sphere less than a third the size of the Moon.

The large sphere represents all the Earth’s water while the small sphere represents the drinkable (fresh) water.The image really emphasizes that fact that we must protect our water supply.

Something to consider!

Medium-sized sphere = Earth’s liquid fresh water in groundwater, swamp water, rivers, and lakes. Smallest sphere = fresh water in all the lakes and rivers on the planet. Image via Jack Cook/WHOI/USGS

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